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What should I wear?
The dress code for our wedding is formal. Ladies should wear a gown or fancy cocktail dress and gentlemen should wear a tux or suit and tie.
What time should I arrive?
The ceremony will begin promptly at 4:30PM. We kindly ask that you are seated no later than 4:15PM and recommend arriving by 4:00PM. For those staying at the Hilton Camillus, a shuttle will leave at 3:15PM.
Will the wedding be indoors or outdoors?
Our ceremony will be outside on the lawn by the water. The cocktail hour will be indoor/outdoor followed by an indoor reception.
Can I bring a guest?
We will only be able to accomodate those listed on your invitation
Are kids welcome?
While we love your kids, our wedding will be an adults-only event so that everyone can relax and enjoy the evening.
Can I take photos during the ceremony?
We hired an amazing photography team to capture our day. We kindly ask that you turn off your phone and be present in the moment with us!
I have a dietary restriction.
Please let us know so we can be sure you enjoy your meal!
Who can I contact with additional questions?
Please feel free to e-mail us and we would be more than happy to help answer any questions!


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